Speed Match Gaming

I built this eSports Betting Website | Speed Match Gaming with Next.js.

Speed Match Gaming

Speed Match Gaming (S.M.G) is a cutting-edge eSports betting platform that enables users to create and participate in custom money-based tournaments for their favorite games.
I developed this dynamic website using the Next.js to ensure a seamless and scalable experience for competitive gamers.

My work on this project included implementing intuitive UI designs with React/Next.js, managing users, wagers, and wallets, and developing robust GraphQL APIs for efficient data handling.

Additionally, I integrated multiple third-party services, set up automated scheduling with cron jobs, and optimized tournament and wager management systems.
This project highlights my expertise in building high-performance, real-time gaming platforms.

Project Info :
Category :
Web, Crypto
TechStack :
Website :
Github Source (Web) :
Github Source (API) :
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